My Headwraps
Some of Y'all Lovely Ladies have contacted me, asking about my pretty headwraps. Thank you so much for your compliments and kind words! Some of you have asked why I choose to cover my head. That's a great question, and I love to talk about it, so I think I'll make a short video soon to explain what led me to my decision to cover. But for now, I'll share a few of my personal experiences since I've been wrapping.
I've been covering, or wrapping, full-time for almost two years now. What I mean is that I wear a scarf (or scarves) around my head or hair daily. And while I sometimes get a long stare, more often than not, other ladies will stop me and compliment my wrap, saying I look like royalty. Wow! :blushing:
I live in deep south Texas, and around here, most people speak Spanish (yes, I'm fluently bilingual). So last week, I was walking through Hobby Lobby and an older woman tapped my shoulder as I was about to round a corner, and said, "Te ves muy bonita!" {You look very pretty!} I wish you could have seen the compassion in her face and the joy glittering in her eyes when she said that to me! I was almost moved to tears!
A couple of weeks ago, I was standing in the fabric department of WalMart, and a Hispanic gentleman walks by with his wife & young son. Pointing to my headwrap, he asked, "Did you make that yourself?" I replied that yes, I wrapped two long scarves to design this look. He looked at his wife and said with a wink, "Tu lo puedes hacer tambien." {You can do that, too.}
Some women cover for religious reasons, some for medical necessity, and others for fashion. My reasons are deep, personal convictions, which I'm happy to share with you. So, I will upload a video soon to talk about it.
I often upload pics of my wraps to my FB and Instagram accounts. So, if you're interested in seeing my Instagram posts, here's a link:
Until our next moment together: Shalom, Y'all!
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