
Showing posts from 2016

7th Night of Hanukkah

Shalom, Y'all!  Tonight was the 7th night of Hanukkah.  Allow me a minute to share my heart with you tonight. We attended a Bar Mitzvah for a friend and enjoyed the time tonight! It was a lovely Erev Shabbat (Sabbath eve) service with the lighting of the hanukkiah. I was excited when I knew some of the Hebrew songs & could follow among with some of the readings in Hebrew! This was our hanukkiah (the menorah used during Hanukkah) at home.  Hanukkah is almost over (one more night!) and I'm going to miss this time of year.  It has been very special to me.  This is our 2nd year celebrating Hanukkah, and last year we really didn't know what to do, or how.  I'm still learning, but as we light the candles each night and reflect on the deep spiritual meaning and symbolism...  My heart is just moved!  Let me share with you why. Yeshua (Jesus) said: "I am the light of the world. Any man who follows me shall by no means walk in darkness...

Quick Minute Tooth Cleaning Powder!

Got a minute?  Good!  Because that's about all it'll take to make your own NATURAL tooth cleaning powder.  And in the following video, I show you how.  It will also save you money $$$ because it costs just pennies to make and will last you for months! Have you ever looked up the ingredients in your toothpaste?  If you haven't -- you SHOULD!  I think you'll be VERY SURPRISED at what you find!  If you HAVE already done your research, you may be surprised to know how EASY it is to make your own! I use just 2 or 3 simple, safe, & natural ingredients, which you may even have in your cabinet right now!

Peacock Feathers!

WOTD - Wrap of the Day I layered a peacock scarf, leaving a long tail on one side, over my volumizer. Then diagonally layered a blue and a green scarves, and braided the three long tails & wrapping the braid around my crown. I added an olive green braided headband towards my forehead for an added touch of color. I like the peacock feathers around the back!  What do y'all think?

Wrap of the Day!

Wrap of the Day!  What do you think? I layered three rectangular scarves over a volumizer, then braided the long ends and wrapped the braid around my crown. <3 Follow my blog <3

Three Scarf Layers with Braid.

I layered the black, gray, & white scarves over my volumizer, leaving short ends to my right side & long ends to my left. I then braided the long ends and wrapped the braid around the crown of my head & tucked the end under the scarves at the nape of my neck, leaving the short ends dangling down between my shoulder blades.  I added a sparkly silver stretchy headband as an accent.  What do you think?  #KNOW  #WhatTheyWillNotTellYou  #KnowYourBible  #TheWholeBible  #KnowYourGod  #LoveYourGod  #ObeyYourGod  #DoTorah  #BeFree  #YesYouCan  #Wrap  #WrapUp  #wrapped  #WrappedInHisLove  #ImaWrapper  #ItsAWrap  #WrappingBeauty 

NEW Design! Two Scarf Extra-Long Twist

Oooh!  Do you have a quick minute?  I'm so excited to share this video with Y'all!  I came up with this unique wrap today and I just HAD TO make a video tutorial to show you how to wrap it up! I started with my "Royal Heights" volumizer by Wendy Banuelos.  I tied a white shimmer scarf for a base, leaving one leg extra-long and the other one short.  I then took a bright solid blue scarf and layered it on top, leaving one extra-long leg and a short one, again.  I brought the two long legs to the left side of my face and twisted them together, wrapped the twist snugly around my crown, towards the right side of my face.  Finally, I brought the short legs forward to hold the twist, then wrapped the twist around them, brought the twist forward, and tucked it in under the blue scarf layer at the top of my head.  I added a silver stretchy headband as a sparkly accent! Would you like to see how I did it?  You can follow along with this tutorial...

Three Scarf Braided Crown

For today's wrap, I used three rectangular scarves: shimmer beige, olive green, & red multi (which I found on super-sale clearance at Kohl's).  I layered them and secured each with a simple knot, with short legs down my back. Then I brought the three long legs to my left side & braided then.  I took the braid and wrapped it around my crown, tucking the ends under the green scarf layer in the back.  I added a thin braided headband above my forehead.  What do you think about it?  Tell me below!

Review & Tutorial of Wendy's Royal Heights Volumizer and an EZ Wrap

I've had a few ladies ask me about an "easy" way to wrap.  I will post some beautiful wrap designs that are "SUPER EASY" to do!  But today, I thought I'd take a minute to show you an EFFORTLESS way to cover. So, here's my review of  "Wendy's Royal Heights Volumizer" and the "EZ Wrap by Wendy."  I also show you how to "dress it up a little!"  Also, I'd LOVE to hear about your experiences with wrapping (aka "covering").  Please take a moment to tell me about it in the comments and let me know what you think about my video! Shalom, Y'all!

My Headwraps

Some of Y'all Lovely Ladies have contacted me, asking about my pretty headwraps.  Thank you so much for your compliments and kind words!  Some of you have asked why I choose to cover my head.  That's a great question, and I love to talk about it, so  I think I'll make a short video soon to explain what led me to my decision to cover.  But for now, I'll share a few of my personal experiences since I've been wrapping. I've been covering, or wrapping, full-time for almost two years now.  What I mean is that I wear a scarf (or scarves) around my head or hair daily.  And while I sometimes get a long stare, more often than not, other ladies will stop me and compliment my wrap, saying I look like royalty.  Wow!  :blushing: I live in deep south Texas, and around here, most people speak Spanish (yes, I'm fluently bilingual).  So last week, I was walking through Hobby Lobby and an older woman tapped my shoulder as I was about to round ...

DIY All-Purpose Cleaner & Air Freshener

Guess what?  I haven't used household cleaners in my home for years!  Well -- I don't use store-bought household cleaners.  THEY'RE  TOXIC!  Instead, I *make* my own! In the video below, I quickly show you how to make your own all natural, non-toxic all-purpose cleaner and an air freshener.  It'll save you money and help you maintain the health of your family & home.  Shalom!

Just a Moment...

Howdy & Shalom!  Let me take just a moment to introduce myself...   I'm a homeschooling mom of five.  My two daughters graduated from home and are soon to graduate from college.  I'm still educating my three sons at home.  We use a variety of homeschool curricula and resources, and my husband & I are in the process of writing our own homeschool curriculum. I enjoy learning to "Do It Myself!"  And I'm a fervent believer in all-natural things.  So, I make my own household cleaning products, air fresheners, laundry detergent, personal care items (like toothpaste, deodorant, etc.), and I blend my own essential oils for me & my family.  I like to keep my fingers busy with crochet and jewelry making, and I am learning Hebrew!  I follow Torah and the whole Bible, to the best of my understanding, & like to talk about Bible Things.   I also wear headwraps and have posted a few tutorials for some of the wraps I do.   ...