
Showing posts from 2020

Dwell With Us!

Wow!  I was just reading in The Word and watching a video by Rabbi Itzhac Shapira.  He had a special guest Yosef Danieli who shared some INSIGHTFUL Scriptures in the "Old Testament" (the TaNaKh) that lead right up to John Chapter 1, and show that G-d so deeply desired to "dwell with" us.  He repeatedly tells us in His Word that He wants to "dwell among" us!  Then, we get to John 1:14 and see that HE DID!

HaShem Reveals Himself Again...

 Shalom!  I'm delighted to share this quick message with you.  I pray you have the opportunity to enjoy your time in the Presence of HaShem today, in His Word, in His Light, and in His Shalom!