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Dwell With Us!

Wow!  I was just reading in The Word and watching a video by Rabbi Itzhac Shapira.  He had a special guest Yosef Danieli who shared some INSIGHTFUL Scriptures in the "Old Testament" (the TaNaKh) that lead right up to John Chapter 1, and show that G-d so deeply desired to "dwell with" us.  He repeatedly tells us in His Word that He wants to "dwell among" us!  Then, we get to John 1:14 and see that HE DID!

HaShem Reveals Himself Again...

 Shalom!  I'm delighted to share this quick message with you.  I pray you have the opportunity to enjoy your time in the Presence of HaShem today, in His Word, in His Light, and in His Shalom!

Diagonal Layered Turban Wrap with Two Scarves

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite styles of wrapping!  It's one of the first wraps I learned using two scarves, and it's one of the easiest! Watch this quick video for the step by step how-to and a 360° view!  And THAT's a wrap!  What do you think?  Share your comments below!  And let me know if there's a specific style you'd like to see.  😉 💖Shalom! 💖

Make Your Own Dry Herb Tinctures

I wanted to take a few minutes to talk with you about how to make your own medicinal tinctures for you & your family, using dry herbs and alcohol.  It's quick.  It's easy.  It's economical.  And it's helpful to support your family's health. You'll need a few materials & ingredients: clean, glass jar & secure lid dry herbs 40-50% consumable alcohol (I use vodka) You'll want to do your research about which herbs would benefit you.  In this video, I show you several herbal tinctures I've made, I tell you what I expect them to help me with, and I show you how easy it is to make them yourself! Comment below with your ideas and thoughts.  Also, let me know which herbs you'd like to use for your tinctures!


Got a minute to talk?  Do you ever have a day where you just can't take one more criticism or complaint? Not. One. More. I had that day today.  And I got a little snappy.  I'm not proud of myself.  In fact, I feel pretty rotten about it.  I'll probably need to make a phone call tomorrow to humbly apologize. Have you ever been there?  Your plans aren't working out.  You're tired and irritable.  You've felt picked on and picked over.  You're worn out, sensitive, spent, overwhelmed. And someone else comes along and their words feel like stingers.  You smile and try to hold yourself together.  Inside, you're yelling, "Stop it! leave me alone!"  On the outside, you take a deep breath, relax your shoulders, offer a silent prayer for patience.  The biting words keep coming.  And you snap.  You regret it immediately, but it's impossible to take it back.  I was there tonight.  I was hurting,...

How to Prosper in All You Do

Joshua 1:8 says -- Study this Book of Instruction continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it.  Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. Isn't it amazing that God would outline for us a way to be successful and prosperous?  Wow!  What a wonderful God we serve! I encourage you to read His Word.  But don't just read it, *STUDY* it.  Study His Instructions.  Daily.  Meditate on them, ponder them, memorize them.  And obey them. Then, may His blessings of success and prosperity be upon you!

Erev Shabbat Wrap!

My Wrap of the Day for Erev Shabbat! 💖 I'm getting ready for Shabbat to start tonight, at sundown.  Today I'm wearing this three-scarf, layered wrap with a braid.  I even got a little bold and added TWO accents.  Can you see them?  I used a thin pearlized headband and a stretchy headband with peach pearls & rhinestones. Shabbat Shalom, Y'all! 💖

7th Night of Hanukkah

Shalom, Y'all!  Tonight was the 7th night of Hanukkah.  Allow me a minute to share my heart with you tonight. We attended a Bar Mitzvah for a friend and enjoyed the time tonight! It was a lovely Erev Shabbat (Sabbath eve) service with the lighting of the hanukkiah. I was excited when I knew some of the Hebrew songs & could follow among with some of the readings in Hebrew! This was our hanukkiah (the menorah used during Hanukkah) at home.  Hanukkah is almost over (one more night!) and I'm going to miss this time of year.  It has been very special to me.  This is our 2nd year celebrating Hanukkah, and last year we really didn't know what to do, or how.  I'm still learning, but as we light the candles each night and reflect on the deep spiritual meaning and symbolism...  My heart is just moved!  Let me share with you why. Yeshua (Jesus) said: "I am the light of the world. Any man who follows me shall by no means walk in darkness...

Quick Minute Tooth Cleaning Powder!

Got a minute?  Good!  Because that's about all it'll take to make your own NATURAL tooth cleaning powder.  And in the following video, I show you how.  It will also save you money $$$ because it costs just pennies to make and will last you for months! Have you ever looked up the ingredients in your toothpaste?  If you haven't -- you SHOULD!  I think you'll be VERY SURPRISED at what you find!  If you HAVE already done your research, you may be surprised to know how EASY it is to make your own! I use just 2 or 3 simple, safe, & natural ingredients, which you may even have in your cabinet right now!

Peacock Feathers!

WOTD - Wrap of the Day I layered a peacock scarf, leaving a long tail on one side, over my volumizer. Then diagonally layered a blue and a green scarves, and braided the three long tails & wrapping the braid around my crown. I added an olive green braided headband towards my forehead for an added touch of color. I like the peacock feathers around the back!  What do y'all think?